Buddhist traditions offer profound practices for honoring and guiding the deceased focusing on compassion, mindfulness, and the journey of the soul beyond physical existence.
These sacred prayers rooted in Buddhist teachings are designed to honor the deceased and provide comfort to grieving families.
These prayers offer wisdom and solace during times of loss, while promoting spiritual reflection and hope for rebirth.
Let this serve as a bridge between tradition and healing, supporting both the living and the departed in their spiritual journeys.
30 Buddhist Prayers for the Dead
1. Prayer for Peaceful Transition
May the merit of our practice guide you to a peaceful rebirth. May you be free from suffering and find lasting peace.
This prayer focuses on easing the deceased’s transition to their next life, invoking the Buddha’s compassion. It encourages a calm and serene passing, free from fear and confusion.
Dhammapada 169
“He who does not live in keeping with the Dhamma, though he be a monk, will be more liable to fall away from the Dhamma, having grasped at what is impermanent.”
2. Prayer for Liberation from Suffering
May you be released from all suffering and attain the ultimate peace of Nirvana. May your wisdom awaken to the true nature of reality.
A prayer seeking liberation from the cycle of suffering (samsara), aiming for the deceased to attain enlightenment. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the nature of impermanence.
Majjhima Nikaya 117
“Right view comes first, then right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration.”
3. Prayer for Rebirth in a Pure Land
May you be reborn in the Pure Land of Amitabha, where you may quickly attain Buddhahood. May you find refuge in the light of boundless compassion.
This prayer expresses the wish for the deceased to be reborn in a Pure Land, a realm conducive to enlightenment. It invokes Amitabha Buddha’s compassion and vows.
Sukhavativyuha Sutra (Larger Sutra)
“When I have attained Bodhi, may beings in the ten quarters, who sincerely and joyfully entrust themselves to me, desire to be born in my land, and call my Name even ten times, if they are not born there, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment.”
4. Prayer for Guidance on the Bardo Path
May the light of wisdom illuminate your path through the bardo. May you recognize the clear light and find liberation.
This prayer offers guidance and support during the bardo, the intermediate state between death and rebirth. It aims to help the deceased navigate this transitional phase.
Tibetan Book of the Dead (Bardo Thodol)
“O nobly born, let not your mind be distracted.”
5. Prayer for the Cultivation of Merit
May the merit of our offerings and practice benefit you. May you experience the fruits of wholesome actions.
This prayer dedicates the merit of virtuous actions to the deceased, hoping to create positive conditions for their future rebirth. It emphasizes the importance of generosity and compassion.
Anguttara Nikaya 4.61
“When one gives with faith, he gains these three things: he gains merit, he gains a reputation, and he gains confidence.”
6. Prayer for Release from Negative Karma
May all negative karma be purified, and may you be free from its consequences. May your heart be filled with loving-kindness.
A prayer seeking to purify negative karma and remove obstacles to a favorable rebirth. It acknowledges the impact of past actions and the possibility of transformation.
Karaniya Metta Sutta
“Let him cultivate a boundless love towards all beings, and let him cultivate a boundless love towards the entire world, above, below, and across, without obstruction, without any hatred, without any enmity.”
7. Prayer for Connection to the Dharma
May you always be connected to the teachings of the Buddha. May you find strength and guidance in the Dharma.
This prayer wishes for the deceased to maintain a connection to the Dharma, the teachings of the Buddha. It emphasizes the importance of continued spiritual practice.
Samyutta Nikaya 56.11
“And this, monks, is the noble truth of the way of practice leading to the cessation of suffering: precisely this Noble Eightfold Path—right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration.”
8. Prayer for Compassionate Rebirth
May you be reborn with a compassionate heart, dedicated to helping all beings. May you quickly attain enlightenment for the benefit of all.
A prayer expressing the wish for a compassionate rebirth, where the deceased can continue to practice and benefit others. It focuses on the Bodhisattva path.
Lotus Sutra
“From the very beginning I have constantly taught and converted the multitude, using various kinds of parables to guide living beings.”
9. Prayer for the End of Suffering Cycles
May you break free from the cycle of rebirth and suffering. May you realize the interdependent nature of all things.
This prayer seeks to end the cycle of suffering, wishing for the deceased to break free from the patterns of samsara. It emphasizes the importance of understanding dependent origination.
Pratītyasamutpāda (Dependent Origination)
“When this exists, that exists; when this ceases, that ceases.”
10. Prayer for Remembrance and Gratitude
We remember your kindness and wisdom. May your spirit find peace and joy. May we continue to honor your memory.
A prayer expressing gratitude for the deceased’s life and contributions, and a wish for their continued well-being. It fosters a sense of connection and remembrance.
Sigalovada Sutta
“Parents should be respected by their children with these five things: ‘Having supported me, I will support them; I will do their duties; I will keep up the lineage; I will manage their inheritance; and furthermore, when they have passed away, I will dedicate alms in their name.’”
11. Prayer for Clarity of Mind
May your mind be clear and peaceful, free from confusion and fear. May you recognize the true nature of your being.
This prayer seeks to bring clarity to the deceased’s mind, especially during the transitional period after death. It aims to dispel confusion and fear.
Abhidhamma Pitaka
“The mind is the forerunner of all (evil) conditions. Mind is their chief; (and they are) mind-made.”
12. Prayer for Reuniting with Loved Ones
May you be reunited with those you love, in a realm of peace and harmony. May you find joy in their presence.
A prayer expressing the hope that the deceased will reunite with loved ones in a favorable realm. It acknowledges the importance of connection and companionship.
Vimalakirti Sutra
“When the mind is pure, the land is pure.”
13. Prayer for Swift Liberation
May you swiftly break free from the bonds of suffering. May your path to enlightenment be swift and sure.
This prayer wishes for the deceased to quickly attain liberation from samsara. It focuses on the urgency of spiritual practice and awakening.
“All component things are impermanent.”
14. Prayer for the Alleviation of Suffering in Lower Realms
May all beings in lower realms be relieved of their suffering. May your compassion extend to all corners of existence.
A prayer extending compassion to all beings, especially those suffering in lower realms. It emphasizes the Bodhisattva vow to alleviate suffering.
Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra
“If I do not go to the hells to help those who are suffering there, who else will go?”
15. Prayer for the Development of Wisdom
May your wisdom deepen, and may you see the true nature of all phenomena. May you attain perfect understanding.
This prayer seeks to foster the development of wisdom in the deceased, enabling them to understand the true nature of reality. It focuses on the importance of prajna.
Prajnaparamita Sutras
“Form is emptiness, emptiness is form.”
16. Prayer for the Cultivation of Loving-Kindness
May your heart be filled with loving-kindness for all beings. May you radiate peace and compassion.
A prayer to cultivate loving-kindness (metta) in the deceased, fostering a sense of universal compassion. It emphasizes the importance of a heart filled with metta.
Metta Sutta
“Let him cultivate a boundless love towards all beings, and let him cultivate a boundless love towards the entire world, above, below, and across, without obstruction, without any hatred, without any enmity.”
17. Prayer for the Removal of Obstacles
May all obstacles be removed from your path to liberation. May your journey be smooth and unobstructed.
This prayer seeks to remove obstacles to the deceased’s spiritual progress, clearing the path to enlightenment. It addresses the challenges faced in the journey.
“The Buddha-nature is ever-present, obscured only by adventitious defilements.”
18. Prayer for the Realization of Buddha-Nature
May you realize the Buddha-nature within you, and attain perfect enlightenment. May you awaken to your true potential.
A prayer wishing for the deceased to realize their inherent Buddha-nature, the potential for enlightenment within all beings. It focuses on the inherent purity of mind.
Lankavatara Sutra
“All things are devoid of self-nature.”
19. Prayer for the Continuity of Dharma Practice
May you continue your Dharma practice in your next life, and attain enlightenment. May your spiritual journey continue.
This prayer expresses the wish for the deceased to continue their Dharma practice in their next life. It emphasizes the importance of sustained effort.
Mahaparinibbana Sutta
“All conditioned things are subject to decay. Strive on with diligence.”
20. Prayer for the Dedication of Merit to All Beings
May the merit of our practice benefit all beings, including you. May all beings find peace and liberation.
A prayer dedicating the merit of virtuous actions to all beings, including the deceased. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of all life.
“For as long as space endures, and for as long as living beings remain, until then may I too abide to dispel the misery of the world.”
21. Prayer for Serene Memory
May the memory of your kindness and wisdom bring peace to our hearts. May we remember the good you brought into the world.
This prayer seeks to cultivate serene and positive memories of the deceased, focusing on their virtues and positive impact. It aims to foster a sense of peace and gratitude.
Anapanasati Sutta
“Mindful he breathes in, mindful he breathes out.”
22. Prayer for Overcoming Fear of Death
May you be free from fear and anxiety, and find peace in the face of death. May you embrace the natural process of transition.
A prayer to help the deceased overcome any fear or anxiety associated with death, guiding them towards acceptance and peace. It addresses the natural fear of the unknown.
“When one sees the impermanence of all component things, then one turns away from suffering.”
23. Prayer for the Development of Bodhicitta
May your Bodhicitta awaken and grow, leading you to Buddhahood. May your heart be filled with the desire to help all beings.
This prayer seeks to awaken and strengthen Bodhicitta, the aspiration to attain enlightenment for the benefit of all beings, in the deceased. It focuses on the altruistic intention.
“The thought of enlightenment is the root of all virtues.”
24. Prayer for Guidance in the Intermediate State
May you be guided through the intermediate state, and find the path to liberation. May you recognize the signs and find your way.
This prayer provides guidance and support during the intermediate state (bardo), helping the deceased navigate the challenges of this transitional phase. It focuses on clarity and awareness.
Antarabhava (Intermediate State) teachings
“Recognize the nature of your own mind.”
25. Prayer for the Cultivation of Patience
May you cultivate patience and acceptance, and find peace in the midst of change. May you endure with equanimity.
A prayer to cultivate patience in the deceased, especially during the transitional period. It emphasizes the importance of forbearance and acceptance.
Ksanti Paramita (Patience Perfection)
“Patience is the highest austerity.”
26. Prayer for the Dissolution of Attachments
May you release all attachments, and find freedom from clinging. May you let go and find peace.
This prayer seeks to help the deceased release attachments to worldly possessions, relationships, and identities. It focuses on non-attachment.
Digha Nikaya 22
“Whatever is of the nature of arising, all that is of the nature of ceasing.”
27. Prayer for the Realization of Emptiness
May you realize the emptiness of all phenomena, and attain true wisdom. May you see the true nature of reality.
A prayer to help the deceased realize the emptiness (shunyata) of all phenomena, freeing them from false perceptions. It focuses on the ultimate nature of reality.
Heart Sutra
“Form is not different from emptiness; emptiness is not different from form.”
28. Prayer for the Blessing of the Three Jewels
May the blessings of the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha guide you to liberation. May you find refuge in the Three Jewels.
This prayer invokes the blessings of the Three Jewels (Buddha, Dharma, Sangha) for the deceased, seeking their protection and guidance. It focuses on taking refuge.
Ti Ratana (Three Jewels)
“To the Buddha for refuge I go; to the Dharma for refuge I go; to the Sangha for refuge I go.”
29. Prayer for the Purification of Defilements
May all defilements be purified, and may your mind be clear and pure. May you be cleansed of all negativity.
This prayer seeks to purify the defilements of the deceased’s mind, clearing away negative tendencies and obstacles. It focuses on purification.
Satipatthana Sutta
“He trains himself, perceiving impermanence in the body, perceiving impermanence in feelings, perceiving impermanence in mind, perceiving impermanence in mental objects.”
30. Prayer for the Fulfillment of Aspirations
May all your spiritual aspirations be fulfilled, and may you attain your highest goal. May your wishes come true.
A prayer to help the deceased fulfill their spiritual aspirations, whether it be rebirth in a Pure Land or the attainment of enlightenment. It focuses on fulfilling wishes.
Buddhist prayers for the dead provide a powerful means of honoring the departed, offering comfort to the living, and fostering spiritual connection and healing.
By drawing from sacred Buddhist teachings, they guide both the deceased and the grieving on a journey of peace, reflection, and transformation.
This serves as a timeless bridge, connecting tradition with the universal need for solace and spiritual growth during times of loss.